
Yoga Flow for the Solar Eclipse

Greetings from the solar eclipse festival! (If you’re not sure what that is, check out my last post.) We’re having an absolute blast and can’t wait to share everything we’ve learned with you. I wasn’t going to post anything this week, but I felt called to create a yoga flow for the coming eclipse.

Eclipses represent a time of death and rebirth. During this time you might feel called to make changes, take on new challenges, or end relationships that no longer serve you.

This particular eclipse occurs in the sign of Aries. Aries is the baby of the zodiac and a fire sign. It brings with it a playful and carefree energy that we’re going to pull into our practice today.

Eclipse Flow: Warm up

We’ll begin standing at the front of the mat. Close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths. What are you holding onto that you no longer need? What would you do if you knew you wouldn’t fail?


Bring the big toes and heels to touch. Root down through the four corners of the feet and find a lift in your arches. Inhale, lift up through the front body. Exhale, ground down through the back body.

Standing Forward Fold

Take another breath, and on the exhale, fold forward, bending from the hips. If you can’t touch the floor, you can reach for your ankles or shins. You can also rest your hands on a block.

Halfway Lift

Inhale, lift halfway up. Your hands can come to your shins or thighs. Look forward and lengthen through the spine.

Standing Forward Fold

Exhale and fold back down. Try to bend a little deeper this time. Allow the crown of the head to reach toward the floor.

Downward Facing Dog

Step your feet back and send your hips toward the sky. Downward facing dog. Claw through your fingertips and pedal out the feet.

Crescent Lunge

Exhale, lift the right leg. Inhale, step it up between your hands. Drop the back knee to the ground and sweep the arms up overhead. Press the back shin firmly into the mat and squeeze the inner thighs together. When you’re ready to come out of the pose, frame the front foot with the hands. Step it back to downward facing dog. Repeat on the left side.

Child Pose

From downward facing dog, lower the knees to the ground and send the hips back towards the heels. Broaden through the upper back as you reach your arms out in front of you.

Eclipse Flow: Round 1

Curl the toes under and send the hips up and back. Downward facing dog.

Warrior II

Inhale and lift the right leg. Exhale, step it forward. Cartwheel the arms up and bring them parallel to the mat. Warrior II.

Peaceful Warrior

Tilt back and slide the back hand down the back thigh. The font hand reaches overhead. Keep that front knee stacked over the front ankle.

Scorpion Dog

Bring it back to center. Warrior II. Place the hands on the ground, framing the front foot. Step it back. Downward facing dog.

Inhale, lift the right leg. Exhale, bend the right knee. Looking forward, reach back with the left hand and try to grab the right foot.

When you’re ready to come out of the pose, release the right foot and slowly lower it back to the mat. Repeat the round on the left side.

Eclipse Flow: Round 2

Warrior II

From downward facing dog, inhale and lift the right leg. Exhale, step it forward. Cartwheel the arms up and bring them parallel to the mat. Warrior II.

Peaceful Warrior

Tilt back and slide the back hand down the back thigh. The font hand reaches overhead. Keep that front knee stacked over the front ankle.

Half Moon

Bring it back to center. Warrior II. Reach the front hand down towards the ground, about 12-18 inches from the front foot. Slowly begin to shift your weight onto your hand and front foot. Tighten the glutes and lift the back leg. Reach your left hand toward the sky and lift to gaze to look at it.

When you’re ready to come out of the pose, lower your left hand and leg to the ground. Come back to downward facing dog and repeat the round on the left side.

Eclipse Flow: Round 3

Warrior II

From downward facing dog, inhale and lift the right leg. Exhale, step it forward. Cartwheel the arms up and bring them parallel to the mat. Warrior II.

Peaceful Warrior

Tilt back and slide the back hand down the back thigh. The font hand reaches overhead. Keep that front knee stacked over the front ankle.

Fallen Triangle

Bring it back to center. Warrior II. Cartwheel your arm down so they’re framing your front foot. Step it back to downward facing dog.

Inhale, lift the right leg. Exhale, draw the right knee in towards your left elbow. Rotate onto the inner edge of your left foot. Lower the right foot to the left side of your mat. Shift your weight to your right hand as you raise your left hand to the sky and lift your hips.

When you’re ready to come out of the pose, return to downward facing dog and repeat the round on the left side.

Eclipse Flow: Balance Poses

From downward facing dog, step up to the front of your mat and come to a standing position.


Slowly begin to shift your weight to your left foot. Ground down through the four corners of your foot and find a lift through your arch. When you’re ready, lift your right leg and place it against your left ankle, shin, or thigh. The hands meet in the center of the chest. Anjali mudra. Focus your gaze on a steady spot in front of you for balance.

Warrior III

Reach the arms over the head. Take the right leg and reach it out behind you until it’s parallel to the mat. If this is too challenging, you can set the foot down on the mat first. Slowly lean forward until your arms and torso are also parallel to the mat.

When you’re ready, slowly lower your leg to the ground and return to standing. Repeat both balance poses on the left side.

Eclipse Flow: Backbends

On an inhale, sweep the arms overhead. Exhale, fold forward. Plant the hands on either side of the feet and step or hop back to downward facing dog.

Wild Thing

Shift your weight to your right hand and roll onto the edge of your right foot. Claw through the fingers of your right hand and lift your hips. Step the left foot back and place it on the floor with the knee partially bent.

Curl through the upper back and draw the shoulder blades down towards the back of the rib cage. Lift your hips higher into a back bend. Drop the head back and extend the left arm out. Take a few breaths here.


When you’re ready, plant the left hand on the ground. Continue arching through the back and reach the tailbone towards the back of the knees. Rotate your inner thighs in and ground down through the big toes. To deepen the pose, you can slowly walk your feet closer to your hands.

To come out of the pose, tuck your chin to your chest and slowly lower to the ground. Return to downward facing dog and repeat on the opposite side.

Eclipse Flow: Cooldown

Come to a seated position.

Seated Forward Bend

Stretch the legs out long in front of you. On an inhale, sweep the arms up over head. On an exhale, fold forward, reaching for your toes or shins. Allow the bend to come front your hips and lengthen through the spine. Take a few breaths here. With each exhale, try to fold a little deeper into the pose.

Happy Baby

Lay on your back and lift your knees into your chest. Grab the arch or big toe of each foot and draw the knees out and towards the armpits. Flex your heels into your hands and gently rock back and forth. Hold here for a few breaths. When you’re ready, return your legs to the floor and stretch them out long.

Eclipse Flow: Savasana

Close your eyes and allow the muscles in your face to relax. Relax your arms by your sides. Take a few slow, deep breaths here. Breathe in the energy of the eclipse. Inhale confidence to take on new challenges. Exhale, release the things that no longer serve you. Try to spend a few minutes here.

When you’re ready, gradually begin to wiggle your fingers and toes. Slowly roll to one side and come to a seated position. Take one last deep breath and open your eyes.

Thank you all for sharing this practice with me. I hope you enjoyed it and have a fantastic eclipse season. Namaste.

Root Chakra
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