Yoga for the Crown Chakra
Today, we’re diving into a crown chakra flow designed to align and activate your Sahasrara chakra, the energy center that governs spiritual connection and enlightenment.
Balancing the Crown Chakra
The crown chakra, also known as sahasrara, is the seventh and final of the body’s energy centers. (Check out this post for info on the first chakra and how to balance it.) When it’s balanced, we have inner peace. We are in tune with our intuition and feel connected to life and the Universe. We have a sense of love and light in our being.
Balancing the Third Eye Chakra
The third eye chakra, also known as ajna, is the sixth of the body’s energy centers. (Check out this post for info on the first chakra and how to balance it.) When it’s balanced, we are self-aware and imaginative. We are open to learning from our life experiences. We also have a strong sense of intuition.
Balancing the Throat Chakra
The throat chakra, also known as vishudda, is the fifth of the body’s energy centers. (Check out this post for info on the first chakra and how to balance it.) When it’s balanced, we speak confidently and feel free to express ourselves. We can also easily communicate with others and listen to what they have to say.
Should You Hire a Spiritual Coach?
In a world that is often chaotic and stressful, many people are seeking deeper meaning and purpose in their lives. While traditional therapy and life coaching can offer substantial support, sometimes what you need is someone who can guide you on a spiritual journey. This is where a spiritual coach comes in. Here are several compelling reasons why you might want to consider hiring a spiritual coach.
Balancing the Heart Chakra
The heart chakra, also known as anahata, is the fourth of the body’s energy centers. (Check out this post for info on the first chakra and how to balance it.) When it’s balanced, we love freely and have compassion for ourselves and those around us. It also makes us generous and helps us have successful relationships.
What Does a Spiritual Coach Do?
In today’s fast-paced world, many people are seeking deeper meaning and a more profound connection to their inner selves. Enter the spiritual coach—a guide who helps individuals explore and enhance their spiritual lives. But what exactly does a spiritual coach do? This blog post will delve into the roles, responsibilities, and benefits of working with a spiritual coach.
Yoga for the Solar Plexus Chakra
Welcome to our guide on balancing and energizing your solar plexus chakra through yoga! The solar plexus chakra, or Manipura chakra, is located in the abdomen, just above the navel. It’s the powerhouse of our personal strength, self-esteem, and confidence. When this chakra is in harmony, we feel motivated, self-assured, and in control of our lives.
Balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus chakra, also known as manipura, is the third of the body’s energy centers. (Check out this post for info on the first chakra and how to balance it.) When it’s balanced, we feel confident and powerful. We are driven and work passionately toward our goals in life. We also have a strong sense of self-worth and self-esteem.
A Mindful Morning Routine: Starting Your Day with Positive Energy
We’ve all seen them- TikToks, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts. They’re everywhere you look. “My Perfect Morning Routine,” “The It Girl Morning Routine,” “My Morning Routine for Productivity,” etc. Every influencer out there wants to show you how they start their day. And that’s great. Cool. I’m glad they have a routine that works for them.
But what about the rest of us?
Exploring Consciousness: Mushrooms For Mindfulness
There were about 40 of us in total. We all passed our cups to the front to be filled with what she estimated was a .5-1g dose. Then she had us sit with our cups for a few minutes before consuming our tea. We smelled it and examined its color. We studied our mugs and contemplated why we chose that particular one. Then we discussed how many people had to handle that mug and the materials that made it before it got to us. And then we drank our tea.
Yoga for the Sacral Chakra
Today we’re going to be working through a sequence to balance the sacral chakra. When balanced, the sacral chakra brings joy and creativity into our lives. It helps keep us at our optimal weight and maintain a healthy sex drive. We’ll start by closing our eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Let’s set our intention for this practice. I’m confident. I’m creative. I love myself as I am.