• photograph of women doing yoga together
    Mental Wellness,  Yoga

    Yoga for the Root Chakra

    Today we’re going to be working through a sequence to balance the root chakra. The root chakra is associated with our basic needs as human beings. When it’s balanced, we feel secure and confident. It brings a sense of inner stillness and a feeling of being connected to the universe. We’re going to start by closing our eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Let’s set our intention for today’s practice. I am safe. I am strong. The Universe provides everything that I need.

  • Root Chakra
    Mental Wellness,  Yoga

    Balancing the Root Chakra

    The root chakra, also known as muladhara, is the first of the body's energy centers. When it is balanced, it brings feelings of safety, security, and being grounded. We worry less about day-to-day things and feel more confident. Our lives seem to flow more smoothly and we find a sense of connection with those around us.